Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Islam & Friends: Sunni, Shi'ah, and Qa'im Dialogue

Salam Alaykum,

I've recently been involved in an Islamic dialogue between the Sunni and Shi'i sects on the Islam and Friends show. Brother MacIsaac, who was a Christian who converted to Buddhist, and then finally Shi'i Islam, represented the Shi'ah side. The Sunni Muslim side was represented by brother Orthodox786, a renowned debater of the Salafi school of thought.

I was the third person, but since I do not attribute myself to any sect, I was simply representing my beliefs as a Muslim. I mostly sat in the sidelines, but I had put in my input with ayat and ahadith every now and then. The dialogue was preformed very professionally, and much respect was put forth. I highly recommend you watch it or at least a part of it. Very interesting stuff, I must say:

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